I trust thing inside you that brought you here, are you ready to?

I am in service to the individual flavour of lifeforce energy inside you.

You were born with it.

It is your frequency.

The truth of you.

The world you live in, your experiences & your pain build layer after layer of protection, leading to armour & walls so high you may barely feel a spark.

Being good girl/woman, how to please our parents, how to make friends and be nice, how to be successful & earn money, how to get & keep a man.

Doing the right thing.

This turn on gets squished into the box of sex and orgasms, castrating your from your power, when this turn on is your life-force and the path to the truest, highest version of you.

The real you.

The forgotten you.

The one buried under shame, fear, should ofs & would ofs

My work in this world is holding Women while they dial in, turn on & shed the layers to living their life oriented from this turn on, from their deepest desire.

This is a soul game of remembering who you are and what you came here to do.

Feel this?

There are several ways to work with me:

1:1 Containers are my most transformative journeys.

They are 12 months of holding, teaching and 1:1 practice. We dive deep into your flavour of innate sexuality as I hold you through slow unwinding of the layers on top, letting go of anything that is not longer true.


Single SENSATE Sessions or group programmes such as SPLIT or SENSATE

provide different entry points whether you are ready to taste the frequency, acclimatise to deeper work or a single programme might be enough to feel complete.

It is deep, transformational work, you will not be the same on the other side.

This is a players game.

If you know you are ready, or if you would like to connect and feel into if working with me is a the right path for you, get in touch below. I’ll contact you within 24-48hrs to book in a Connection Call so I can really feel where you are on your journey and, if it’s true, let you know the best entry point for your own journey.